Keeping Your New England Coastal Home Low Maintenance With Granite

Keeping Your New England Coastal Home Low Maintenance With Granite

When you drive along the coast of New England, you can’t help but see rows of beautiful coastal homes. With their clean, crisp elegance, and some located in historical districts that tell the story of the area, they represent a certain lifestyle and the people who love it. Matt Teague, President of Reef Builders, says…

Long Live The Queen: A Queen Anne Victorian Is Restored

Long Live The Queen: A Queen Anne Victorian Is Restored

Narragansett, Rhode Island was first surging in popularity as a summer resort town in 1887 when a Queen Anne Victorian home was built at the corner of Narragansett Avenue and Robinson Street. With stained-glass windows, ornate bargeboards, and a charming assortment of shingle styles, it was a turn-of-the-century dream home. Flash forward 130+ years and…